The fabulous and not-so-perfect life of Stephanie Oleyar

Dear readers,

I apologize for being MIA for the past few months; life has been pretty crazy.

Normally, I blog about life’s lesson and looking at the wine glass half full rather than half empty. But this post is just an update on the fabulous and not-so-perfect life of Stephanie Oleyar.

The last time I posted I was a struggling waitress, who taught swimming lessons and drank wine on my parent’s couch, while applying for fifteen jobs a day. As of today, I still spend my time teaching America’s youth how to tread water and I finish a bottle of wine in my childhood bedroom on a weekly/daily base. However, I have received a full time job.

Exciting right?

March 2, 2015 I began my role as a Senior Account Executive for Capital Healthcare Solutions, based in Irwin, Pennsylvania. I have the nine to five job, a nice pay, Falbos Wednesdays, and my mom still does my laundry.

Living the life.

So that’s the SparkNotes of my current life situation. But let’s break it down – it’s more fun that way and it’s my excuse to why I haven’t been blogging.

1. Obama and the Lost iPhone

Megan and I went on a weekend trip to our nation’s capital to visit some friends, see the sights, but mostly we went to bar crawl. Washington D.C. is one of my favorite cities to visit. It’s beautiful, modern, fashionable and 75% of the population is young, attractive, and nice. Let me repeat – NICE. The first night we went out to the bars, the first day I arrived in D.C.- I lost my iPhone. How? I don’t remember. Apparently I fell in the middle of the street, shocker. I know I fell because my savior told me in a handwritten letter that was sent to me, which contained MY IPHONE.

Tony from D.C. – you’re the real MVP.


2. Work, work, work

To start my first week of my big kid job, I was phone-less. So when my coworkers asked me for my number I was all,

“Don’t call me because I don’t have that phone” and “Oh you want to know why? Well… I… you see… I… I’lllllll bring in doughnuts tomorrow!” IMG_6049

I am already the youngest, they call me “The Kid” and they know I’m a fan of beverages… I mean it’s not bad, I am always invited to happy hour.

Second, I picked up a job in retail while I was still waitressing. Even though I turned in the skirt and the smell of fried chicken, the employee discount is too good to lose.

Third, I love to teach swimming. I love to throw the kids in the pool and share my passion for water with them, and I love scaring them with the act of drowning. So naturally when my old swim club asked me to help coach, I couldn’t say no.

So that’s 1 full time job + 2 part time jobs + Yes, I still DJ at Falbos Restaurant and Lounge = I will not give up my social life, but I need money and sleep is for the weak. 

3. Love, laugh, and shout out to technology!

I am very lucky that most of my friends stayed close, so lucky that our weekend adventures never stopped! Pittsburgh nightlife, trips to Erie with the girls and crashing St. Vincent College parties. To the friends that I have a long distance relationship with – I am so thankful for Steve Jobs and the creator of Skype. Seeing them on my screen makes each day a little brighter. So when I exceed each month’s data because I spend every lunch break on Skype with my friend, who fights extreme terrorist groups in the Middle East… I have three jobs to cover the cost!

You gotta look at the positives.

4. I bought a Fitbit

That’s it. I bought a Fitbit.

So that’s the 411 on my life. Not too exciting but hey, no one likes you when you’re 23.

Thank you Blink-182,  for the motivational words.



My first House Warming Party - adult status

My first House Warming Party – adult status

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